There are many ways to earn VC in NBA 2K21, and thanks to them you will be able to perform a lot of actions in the game. We want to offer you the best methods that are working for us so that you are never short of this virtual currency. We are going to need VCs for practically everything, buying accessories, updating players, acquiring card packs, and many other things. That is why it is essential that we be clear about where to get them in the game. In general, you will be able to get free VC in NBA 2K21 naturally with your games. But if you want to invest your time well and get the maximum possible number of credits, follow the next recommendations. With each release of NBA 2K a mobile application is also released. With it, we can also earn a lot of VC. To win VC, all you have to do is play minigames at set times, so it is not even mandatory that you turn on the title to continue amassing these credits. You can find a couple of minigames within Jeff’s Arcade, which as you well know, is located in the neighborhood of MyCareer. On the other hand, you can earn VC through the Daily Pick only if you select the possible winners of the NBA games in reality. Every week we have a series of questions. We must answer correctly to get a lot of these credits. You can calmly answer these questions during the loading screens. Finally, the easiest and most natural way to win VC is by playing games in my career mode, winning literally thousands of VC per game. As you play and advance, you will unlock sponsorships and incentives that will give you even more VC. This will increase with the advancement of the modality. If you are enjoying NBA 2K21, and not only need VC, but also MTs, don’t forget you can buy NBA 2K MyTeam coins on MTStacks store! | |