There are a different ways to dye leather, but in this article we will tell you the best way to dye leather products. You start with prepping the leather. First put on gloves, a lot of people tell themselves ‘I won’t get anything on my hands’, but it always happens. Just wear gloves. Select the right kind of leather before you start dying it. It is possible to dye any kind of un-dyed vegged type leather. The paint you need to use is leather paint. Be aware that if you use an inexpensive piece of leather more marks will show up. After that wipe down the leather, this will help you creating a more even layer of paint. It doesn’t matter if you are painting shoes or something else, always apply a basecoat. For example when you’re using shoe dye. Dip your sponge into the leather dye and start applying it in an circular motion. When it’s all covered allow it to dry. After that you can apply a second layer, also allow this layer to dry. After that you can apply an third layer of dye. When you are finished dying the leather it is time to finish and buff. It is important to put a finish on the leather. It is bad to not use a finish. Work the finish into the leather with the same circular motions while using the leather paint. When you worked it all in evenly, give the leather the time to dry. Buff it with a cotton cloth when the finish is dry. There a lot of different colors leather paint. You don’t always have to go for brown or black. There are a lot of metallic colors or neon. It is also possible to go for a dye with glitter in it! | |